Formation of Abstract Nouns:
Suffix | Abstract Noun | Suffix | Abstract Noun |
ness | kindness, forgiveness, happiness | ry | bravery, slavery, victory, beggary |
ion | passion, conclusion, conversion | age | marriage, bondage, courage, rage |
tion | repetition, affection, emotion | cy | decency, infancy, lunacy, urgency |
ship | friendship, kingship. ownership | ce | choice, obedience,defence,prudence |
th | strength, truth, youth, length, width | al | denial, approval, removal, arrival |
ty | honesty, beauty, poverty, humility | ion | union, opinion, action, revision |
tude | magnitude, servitude, solitude | hood | manhood. motherhood, childhood |
dom | wisdom, martyrdom, freedom | ism | heroism, patriotism, socialism |
ure | pleasure, seizure, measure | mony | parsimony, matrimony, testimony |
Abstract Nouns from Adjectives:
Adjective | Abstract | Adjective | Abstract |
Cruel | cruelty | Bitter | bitterness |
Honest | honesty | Dark | darkness |
Humble | humility | Cold | coldness |
Sleepy | sleepiness | Great | greatness |
Long | length | Wide | width |
Broad | breadth | Young | youth |
Deep | depth | Just | justice |
True | truth | Prudent | prudence |
Proud | pride | Hot | heat |
Wise | wisdom | Brave | bravery |
High | height | Sole | solitude |
Poor | poverty |
Abstract Nouns from Verb:
Verb | Abstract | Verb | Abstract |
Defend | defence | Live | life |
Hate | hatred | Move | motion |
Choose | choice | Depart | departure |
Please | pleasure | Obey | obedience |
Judge | judgement | succeed | success |
Protect | protection | Steal | stealth |
Relieve | relief | Pursue | pursuit |
Believe | belief | Advise | advice |
Starve | starvation | Know | knowledge |
Act | action | Persevere | perseverance |
Flatter | flattery | Converse | conversation |
Discover | discovery | Occupy | occupation |
Expect | expectation | Think | thought |
See | sight | Sit | Seat |
Seize | seizure | Laugh | laughter |
Die | death |
Abstract Nouns from Common Noun:
Common | Abstract | Common | Abstract |
Rascal | rascality | Pilgrim | pilgrimage |
Patriot | patriotism | Glutton | gluttony |
Hero | heroism | Boy | boyhood |
Mother | motherhood | Infant | infancy |
Child | childhood | Pirate | piracy |
Agent | agency | Coward | cowardice |
Regent | regency | Enemy | enmity |
Thief | theft | Bankrupt | bankruptcy |
Bond | bondage | Friend | friendship |
Owner | ownership | King | kingship |
Author | authorship | Captain | captaincy |
Slave | slavery | Beggar | beggary |
Rogue | roguery |
- compound noun: একাধিক word যুক্ত হয়ে noun এর কাজ করলে তাকে compound noun বলে।
** Formation of Compound Noun
1. Noun + noun:
River bank, Postman, Headmaster
2. Noun + gerund:
Hand writing, Weight lifting, Fruit picking
3. Gerund + noun:
Waiting list, Swimming pool, Driving licence, Writing table
4. Adjective + noun:
Sweetheart , Blackboard
5. Preposition + noun:
Afternoon, Outlaw, Bypass
6. Adverb + verb:
Income, Outcome
7. Noun + verb:
Haircut, Headache
8. Verb+ noun:
Pick pocket ,. Watch Dog