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Question: Consider the following table named ‘account’ . What is the correct SQL to get all the account information of ‘Motijheel’ branch. Account ID 10001 10002 10003 Account Holder Md. Humaun Kabir Ruhul Amin Aminul Hossain Account type Savings Savings Business Branch Motijheel Uttara Motijheel
Question: Consider the following table named ‘account’ . What is the correct SQL to get all the account information of ‘Motijheel’ branch. Account ID 10001 10002 10003 Account Holder Md. Humaun Kabir Ruhul Amin Aminul Hossain Account type Savings Savings Business Branch Motijheel Uttara Motijheel
Question 1: Consider the following table named 'account' . What is the correct SQL to get all the account information of 'Motijheel' branch. Account ID 10001 10002 10003 Account Holder Md. Humaun Kabir Ruhul Amin Aminul Hossain Account type Savings Savings Business Branch Motijheel Uttara Motijheel
View topic: ডাটাবেজ ও ডাটাবেজ ম্যানেজমেন্ট সিস্টেম
SELECT * FROM account
SELECT * FROM Account WHERE Branch =Motijheel
SELECT * FROM account WHERE Branch = Motijheel
SELECT ALL FROM Account WHERE Branch = Motijheel
Source: Janata Bank Ltd - Senior Officer (IT) - 29.01.2016
Answer: SELECT * FROM account WHERE Branch = Motijheel
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