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Question: Identify one of the quotation parts that must be changed to make the sentence correct. ‘The invigilator asked him’ ‘that why he had’ ‘not brought’ ‘his call letter’ ‘No error’.
Question: Identify one of the quotation parts that must be changed to make the sentence correct. ‘The invigilator asked him’ ‘that why he had’ ‘not brought’ ‘his call letter’ ‘No error’.
Question 1: Identify one of the quotation parts that must be changed to make the sentence correct. 'The invigilator asked him' 'that why he had' 'not brought' 'his call letter' 'No error'.
View topic: Errors and Corrections
the invigilator asked him
that why he had
not brought
'his call letter
Source: Commerce Bank Ltd - Junior Officer - 19.09.2008
Answer: that why he had
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