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Question: Improper usages of words. choose the option which indicates the sentences in which the underlined word(s) has-have been used incorrectly. i. You need to hear both sides of the story before “making up” your mind. ii. We are “making up” more beds as some unexpected guests have come. iii. The curtains are “make up” of Indian silk.
Question: Improper usages of words. choose the option which indicates the sentences in which the underlined word(s) has-have been used incorrectly. i. You need to hear both sides of the story before “making up” your mind. ii. We are “making up” more beds as some unexpected guests have come. iii. The curtains are “make up” of Indian silk.
Question 1: Improper usages of words. choose the option which indicates the sentences in which the underlined word(s) has-have been used incorrectly. i. You need to hear both sides of the story before "making up" your mind. ii. We are "making up" more beds as some unexpected guests have come. iii. The curtains are "make up" of Indian silk.
View topic: Errors and Corrections
i only
ii only
iii only
ii and iii only
Source: Exim Bank Ltd - Management Trainee Officer - 11.01.2013
Answer: iii only
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