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Question: From the four quotation words or phrases in each sentence, select the one that needs correction. If his accusations ‘true’, there would be a ‘number’ of senior officials ‘held accountable’ for corruption. ‘No Error’
Question: From the four quotation words or phrases in each sentence, select the one that needs correction. If his accusations ‘true’, there would be a ‘number’ of senior officials ‘held accountable’ for corruption. ‘No Error’
Question 1: From the four quotation words or phrases in each sentence, select the one that needs correction. If his accusations 'true', there would be a 'number' of senior officials 'held accountable' for corruption. 'No Error'
View topic: Errors and Corrections
held accountable
No Error
Source: Jamuna Bank Ltd - Officer - 2004
Answer: true
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