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Question: “To develop better strategies, the consultants will need of greater access to internal information .” Which correction should be made to this sentence?
Question: “To develop better strategies, the consultants will need of greater access to internal information .” Which correction should be made to this sentence?
Question 1: "To develop better strategies, the consultants will need of greater access to internal information ." Which correction should be made to this sentence?
View topic: Errors and Corrections
replace 'need' with 'require'
omit 'will'
replace 'of' with 'to have'
change 'greater' to 'great'
Source: Mercantile Bank Ltd - Management Trainee Officer - 31.07.2015
Answer: replace 'of' with 'to have'
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When were the Olympic games held first?
Find out the odd one.
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