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Question: One day, Mr. Karim started 30 minutes late from home and reached his office 50 minutes late, while driving 25% slower than his usual speed? How much time in minutes does Mr. Karim usually take to reach his office from home?
Question: One day, Mr. Karim started 30 minutes late from home and reached his office 50 minutes late, while driving 25% slower than his usual speed? How much time in minutes does Mr. Karim usually take to reach his office from home?
Question 1: One day, Mr. Karim started 30 minutes late from home and reached his office 50 minutes late, while driving 25% slower than his usual speed? How much time in minutes does Mr. Karim usually take to reach his office from home?
View topic: সময়, দূরত্ব ও গতিবেগ (Time, distance & speed)
Source: Modhumoti Bank ltd. - Probationary Officer - 2016
Answer: 60
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