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Question: In a class of 120 students. 70 percent can speak Bengali and the rest can speak English only. If 25 percent of those in the class who can speak English can also speak Bengali, how many of the students in the class can speak Bengali?
Question: In a class of 120 students. 70 percent can speak Bengali and the rest can speak English only. If 25 percent of those in the class who can speak English can also speak Bengali, how many of the students in the class can speak Bengali?
Question 1: In a class of 120 students. 70 percent can speak Bengali and the rest can speak English only. If 25 percent of those in the class who can speak English can also speak Bengali, how many of the students in the class can speak Bengali?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Source: Trust Bank Ltd - Officer - 10.07.2009
Answer: 84
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