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Question: The persent ratio of students to teachers at a certain school is 30 to 1. If the student enrollment were to increase by 50 students and the number of teachers were to increase by 5, the ratio of students to teachers would then be 25 to 1. What is the present number of teacher?
Question: The persent ratio of students to teachers at a certain school is 30 to 1. If the student enrollment were to increase by 50 students and the number of teachers were to increase by 5, the ratio of students to teachers would then be 25 to 1. What is the present number of teacher?
Question 1: The persent ratio of students to teachers at a certain school is 30 to 1. If the student enrollment were to increase by 50 students and the number of teachers were to increase by 5, the ratio of students to teachers would then be 25 to 1. What is the present number of teacher?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Source: Midland Bank ltd - Management Trainee Officer - 10.04.2015
Answer: 15
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All else equal, the existence of a ---will increase the required return on a bond.
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একজন মাছ বিক্রেতা প্রতি হালি ইলিশ ১৬০০ টাকায় কিনে প্রতিটি মাছ ৩৫০ টাকায় বিক্রয় করলে শতকরা কত লাভ ও ক্ষতি হবে?
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