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Question: The length of a rectangle is 18 cm and its breadth is 10 cm, When the length is increased to 25 cm, what will be the breadth of the rectangle if the area remains the same?
Question: The length of a rectangle is 18 cm and its breadth is 10 cm, When the length is increased to 25 cm, what will be the breadth of the rectangle if the area remains the same?
Question 1: The length of a rectangle is 18 cm and its breadth is 10 cm, When the length is increased to 25 cm, what will be the breadth of the rectangle if the area remains the same?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
7 cm
7.1 cm
7.2 cm
7.3 cm
Source: Probashi Kallyan Bank - Executive Officer (Cash) - 14.02.2014
Answer: 7.2 cm
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