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Question: A wholesaler sells goods to a retiler at profilt of 20%. The retailer sells to the customs ,Who pays 80% more than the cost of the wholesaler . What is the relater’s profit?
Question: A wholesaler sells goods to a retiler at profilt of 20%. The retailer sells to the customs ,Who pays 80% more than the cost of the wholesaler . What is the relater’s profit?
Question 1: A wholesaler sells goods to a retiler at profilt of 20%. The retailer sells to the customs ,Who pays 80% more than the cost of the wholesaler . What is the relater's profit?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Source: Sonali Bank Ltd - Assistant Programmer - 26.08.2016
Answer: 0.5
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