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Question: A man buys eggs at the rate of Tk. 7.2 per dozen eggs and sells them at taka 70 per 100 eggs. If his profit is Tk. 30, how many eggs did he buy?
Question: A man buys eggs at the rate of Tk. 7.2 per dozen eggs and sells them at taka 70 per 100 eggs. If his profit is Tk. 30, how many eggs did he buy?
Question 1: A man buys eggs at the rate of Tk. 7.2 per dozen eggs and sells them at taka 70 per 100 eggs. If his profit is Tk. 30, how many eggs did he buy?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Source: Mercantile Bank Ltd - Officer - 2008
Answer: 300
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