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Question: Two banks offer interest rate of 6% and 7% respectively on savings account. Mr. Faruq deposited a total amount of Tk. 4000 in the banks and in one year his interest income was Tk. 250. Find the deposit in the bank with 7% interest rate?
Question: Two banks offer interest rate of 6% and 7% respectively on savings account. Mr. Faruq deposited a total amount of Tk. 4000 in the banks and in one year his interest income was Tk. 250. Find the deposit in the bank with 7% interest rate?
Question 1: Two banks offer interest rate of 6% and 7% respectively on savings account. Mr. Faruq deposited a total amount of Tk. 4000 in the banks and in one year his interest income was Tk. 250. Find the deposit in the bank with 7% interest rate?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Source: One Bank Ltd - Special Cadre Officer - 01.04.2017
Answer: 1000
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