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Question: Two tailors X and Y are paid a total of TK. 550 per week by their employer. If X is paid 120 percent of the amount paid to Y, how much is Y paid per week?
Question: Two tailors X and Y are paid a total of TK. 550 per week by their employer. If X is paid 120 percent of the amount paid to Y, how much is Y paid per week?
Question 1: Two tailors X and Y are paid a total of TK. 550 per week by their employer. If X is paid 120 percent of the amount paid to Y, how much is Y paid per week?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
TK. 250
TK. 275
TK. 280
TK. 300
Source: Exim Bank Ltd - Officer (IT) - 26.07.2013
Answer: TK. 250
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