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Question: Information: The daily average sale of apples in a fruit store is 70 kg. The price of apple per kg is Tk. 200. Due to a faulty weighing machine the store owner actually gives away 1005 grams instead of 1 kg to customers. The store operates . The store operator 300 days every year. Calculation: What is the loss of the seller (in Tk.) in a day year because of the faulty machine?
Question: Information: The daily average sale of apples in a fruit store is 70 kg. The price of apple per kg is Tk. 200. Due to a faulty weighing machine the store owner actually gives away 1005 grams instead of 1 kg to customers. The store operates . The store operator 300 days every year. Calculation: What is the loss of the seller (in Tk.) in a day year because of the faulty machine?
Question 1: Information: The daily average sale of apples in a fruit store is 70 kg. The price of apple per kg is Tk. 200. Due to a faulty weighing machine the store owner actually gives away 1005 grams instead of 1 kg to customers. The store operates . The store operator 300 days every year. Calculation: What is the loss of the seller (in Tk.) in a day year because of the faulty machine?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Source: Rupali Bank Ltd - Senior Officer 11.06.2010
Answer: 21000
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