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Question: A sum opf money at simple interest amounts to Tk. 815 in 3 years and to Tk. 854 in 4 years. The sum is-
Question: A sum opf money at simple interest amounts to Tk. 815 in 3 years and to Tk. 854 in 4 years. The sum is-
Question 1: A sum opf money at simple interest amounts to Tk. 815 in 3 years and to Tk. 854 in 4 years. The sum is-
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Tk. 650
Tk. 698
Tk. 690
Tk, 700
Source: Pubali Bank Ltd - Cash Officer - 15.02.2019
Answer: Tk. 698
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