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Question: A man can reach a certain place in 40 hours . If he reduces his speed by 1/15th, he goes 5 km less in that time . Find the total distance covered by him.
Question: A man can reach a certain place in 40 hours . If he reduces his speed by 1/15th, he goes 5 km less in that time . Find the total distance covered by him.
Question 1: A man can reach a certain place in 40 hours . If he reduces his speed by 1/15th, he goes 5 km less in that time . Find the total distance covered by him.
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
60 km
85 km .
52 km .
75 km .
Source: Officer (General) -Ansar VDP Unnayan - BD House Building Finance Corporation 28.09.2018
Answer: 75 km .
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