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Question: The organizers of a fair projected a 25 percent increase in attendance this year over that of last year, but attendance this year actually decreased by 20 percent. What percent of the projected attendance was the actual attendance?
Question: The organizers of a fair projected a 25 percent increase in attendance this year over that of last year, but attendance this year actually decreased by 20 percent. What percent of the projected attendance was the actual attendance?
Question 1: The organizers of a fair projected a 25 percent increase in attendance this year over that of last year, but attendance this year actually decreased by 20 percent. What percent of the projected attendance was the actual attendance?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Source: Karmasangsthan Bank - Senior Officer - 17.07.2009
Answer: 0.64
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A company generated revenue of Tk. 125,000 in 2012 which was 12.5% of its gross revenue. In 2013, the gross revenue increased by Tk. 250,000. What is the percentage increase in the revenue in 2013?
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