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Question: ABCD is a rectangle . If its lengthis decreased by 5 meter and the width is increased by 3 mete3r, the area de3creases by 2 meter, the area inceases by 67 square meter, What is the width width of ABCD?
Question: ABCD is a rectangle . If its lengthis decreased by 5 meter and the width is increased by 3 mete3r, the area de3creases by 2 meter, the area inceases by 67 square meter, What is the width width of ABCD?
Question 1: ABCD is a rectangle . If its lengthis decreased by 5 meter and the width is increased by 3 mete3r, the area de3creases by 2 meter, the area inceases by 67 square meter, What is the width width of ABCD?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
9 meter
17 meter
18 meter
22 meter
Source: গ্যাস ট্রান্সমিশন কোম্পানি লিমিটেড - সহকারী ব্যবস্থাপক - 26.11.2021
Answer: 9 meter
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A man deposits Tk 600 in a Bank at 10% interest rate compounded annually, At the end of the second year, the total amount including interest will become Tk-
একটি গণিত বই প্রকৃত মূল্যের শতকরা ৮৫ ভাগ মূল্যে ৬৮ টাকায় বিক্রয় হলো। বইটির প্রকৃত মূল্য কত?
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In a business, A and C invested amounts in the ratio 2:1,whereas the ratio between amounts invested by A and B was 3:2. If Tk. 1,57,300 was their profit,how much amount did B receive ?
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At XYZ Company, the ratio of sales to gross profit is 4:3 and the ratio of gross profit to net profit is 3:1, what is the ratio of net profits to sales?
৫২১২৫ কে শতকরায় প্রকাশ করলে কোনটি হবে?
By selling an item, the producer, the wholesaler and the retailer all make profits at 20%. If the item sells for Tk. 21.60 by the retailer, find the production cost of the item.
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