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Question: A can finish a work in 5 days and B takes 4 days to do the same work. If the work is increased by 8 times, how many days will it take for both of them to finish the work if they work together?
Question: A can finish a work in 5 days and B takes 4 days to do the same work. If the work is increased by 8 times, how many days will it take for both of them to finish the work if they work together?
Question 1: A can finish a work in 5 days and B takes 4 days to do the same work. If the work is increased by 8 times, how many days will it take for both of them to finish the work if they work together?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
10 days
15 days
20 days
25 days
Source: Officer (Cash) -Sonali Bank - BD Development - BD Krishi Bank - 12.10.2018
Answer: 20 days
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