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Question: The principal monetary policy objective is to reduce substantially the import surplus of the coming years while resuming economic growth. Realization of this goal entails a marked structural change of the economy, which can be brought about by freezing th
Question: The principal monetary policy objective is to reduce substantially the import surplus of the coming years while resuming economic growth. Realization of this goal entails a marked structural change of the economy, which can be brought about by freezing th
Question 1: The principal monetary policy objective is to reduce substantially the import surplus of the coming years while resuming economic growth. Realization of this goal entails a marked structural change of the economy, which can be brought about by freezing th
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Economic growth will result in a structural change of the economy
Only if people consume less can the economy grow
The import surplus can be reduced if investment is restricted
Only a structural change in the economy can substantially increase imports
Source: Bangladesh Bank - Assistant Director - 2011
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