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Question: What will be the difference between simple and compound interest at 10% per annum on a sum of Tk.1000 after 4years?
Question: What will be the difference between simple and compound interest at 10% per annum on a sum of Tk.1000 after 4years?
Question 1: What will be the difference between simple and compound interest at 10% per annum on a sum of Tk.1000 after 4years?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Tk. 32.10
Tk. 40.40
Tk. 64.10
Source: Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd - Officer - 28.03.2014
Answer: Tk. 64.10
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৬% বার্ষিক মুনাফায় কত টাকার বার্ষিক মুনাফা ১২০ টাকা ?
A manufacturer of jam wants to make a profit of Tk. 0.65 each to make first 100 jars of jams and Tk. 0.55 to make each jar after the first 100. How much profit he will make from 300 jars of jam?
Two chairs have been sold ,each for Tk. 3,600. On one 20% profit has been earned and on the other 20% loss has been incurred .What is total profit or loss ?
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