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Question: A manufacturer sells three products i.e A, B and C . Product A costs 200 and sells for 250, Product B costs 150 and sells for 180 , product C costs 100 adn sells for 110. On which product, he has maximum percentage of profit?
Question: A manufacturer sells three products i.e A, B and C . Product A costs 200 and sells for 250, Product B costs 150 and sells for 180 , product C costs 100 adn sells for 110. On which product, he has maximum percentage of profit?
Question 1: A manufacturer sells three products i.e A, B and C . Product A costs 200 and sells for 250, Product B costs 150 and sells for 180 , product C costs 100 adn sells for 110. On which product, he has maximum percentage of profit?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
B only
A and B both
A only
C only
Source: Probashi kallyan bank - senior officer -19.01.2018
Answer: A only
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