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Question: A salesman’s income consists of his salary and commission . His monthly salary is TK. 8,000. During one month, the commission he earned was 5/4 of his salary . What fraction of his income for that month came from commission ?
Question: A salesman’s income consists of his salary and commission . His monthly salary is TK. 8,000. During one month, the commission he earned was 5/4 of his salary . What fraction of his income for that month came from commission ?
Question 1: A salesman's income consists of his salary and commission . His monthly salary is TK. 8,000. During one month, the commission he earned was 5/4 of his salary . What fraction of his income for that month came from commission ?
View topic: ভগ্নাংশ (Fraction)
Source: Exim Bank Ltd - Officer - 03.04.2009
Answer: 5/9
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