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Question: A worker was hired for 7 days. Each day, he was paid Tk. 10 more than what he was paid for the previous day of work. The total amount he was paid in the first 4 days of work equaled the total amount he was paid in the last 3 days. What was his starting pay?
Question: A worker was hired for 7 days. Each day, he was paid Tk. 10 more than what he was paid for the previous day of work. The total amount he was paid in the first 4 days of work equaled the total amount he was paid in the last 3 days. What was his starting pay?
Question 1: A worker was hired for 7 days. Each day, he was paid Tk. 10 more than what he was paid for the previous day of work. The total amount he was paid in the first 4 days of work equaled the total amount he was paid in the last 3 days. What was his starting pay?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Tk. 150
Source: সমন্বিত ৮ ব্যাংক ও ১ টি আর্থিক প্রতিষ্ঠান - অফিসার জেনারেল (10-03-2023)
Answer: Tk.90
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