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Question: Jafar is n years old. Moin in 5 years younger than Jafar and 3 years older than Arif. What is the sum of the ages of all three?
Question: Jafar is n years old. Moin in 5 years younger than Jafar and 3 years older than Arif. What is the sum of the ages of all three?
Question 1: Jafar is n years old. Moin in 5 years younger than Jafar and 3 years older than Arif. What is the sum of the ages of all three?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
3n - 13
3n -8
3n + 2
3n +8
Source: Agrani bank Ltd - Officer 04.07.2008
Answer: 3n - 13
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