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Question: The total cost of a bouquet of roses at a flower shop depends on the number of roses ordered. The vase costs $5, and each rose costs $2.25. Which equation can be used to find ‘c’, the total cost of a bouquet with ‘r’ roses?
Question: The total cost of a bouquet of roses at a flower shop depends on the number of roses ordered. The vase costs $5, and each rose costs $2.25. Which equation can be used to find ‘c’, the total cost of a bouquet with ‘r’ roses?
Question 1: The total cost of a bouquet of roses at a flower shop depends on the number of roses ordered. The vase costs $5, and each rose costs $2.25. Which equation can be used to find 'c', the total cost of a bouquet with 'r' roses?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
c = (5 + 2.25)r
c = 5r + 2.25
c = 5 + 2.25r
c = 5 + (5-2.25)r
Source: National Bank Ltd - Officer - 11.09.2009
Answer: c = 5 + 2.25r
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