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Question: Shabnam, a student of science group, is reviewing her algebra quiz. She has determined that one of her solutions is incorrect. Which one is it?
Question: Shabnam, a student of science group, is reviewing her algebra quiz. She has determined that one of her solutions is incorrect. Which one is it?
Question 1: Shabnam, a student of science group, is reviewing her algebra quiz. She has determined that one of her solutions is incorrect. Which one is it?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
2x+5(x-1)=9, x=2
p-3 (p-5)= 10, p=2.5
4 y + 3 y = 28, y =4
t-2t - 3t= -32, t =8
Source: Mercantile Bank Ltd - Probationary Officer - 11.03.2011
Answer: 2x+5(x-1)=9, x=2
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