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Question: The number of student in 3 classes is in the ratio 2:3:4 if 12 students are increased in each class this ratio changes to 8:11:14. The total number of students in the three classes in the beginning in the three classes in the beginning was:
Question: The number of student in 3 classes is in the ratio 2:3:4 if 12 students are increased in each class this ratio changes to 8:11:14. The total number of students in the three classes in the beginning in the three classes in the beginning was:
Question 1: The number of student in 3 classes is in the ratio 2:3:4 if 12 students are increased in each class this ratio changes to 8:11:14. The total number of students in the three classes in the beginning in the three classes in the beginning was:
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Source: প্রবাসী কল্যাণ ব্যাংক-সিনিয়র অফিসার-09-10-2021
Answer: 162
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