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Question: A man travelled a distance of 61 kn in 9 jours. He travelled party on food at 4 kn/hr and party on bicycle at 9 km/hr. What is the distance (in km) travelled on foot?
Question: A man travelled a distance of 61 kn in 9 jours. He travelled party on food at 4 kn/hr and party on bicycle at 9 km/hr. What is the distance (in km) travelled on foot?
Question 1: A man travelled a distance of 61 kn in 9 jours. He travelled party on food at 4 kn/hr and party on bicycle at 9 km/hr. What is the distance (in km) travelled on foot?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Source: তিতাস গ্যাস ট্রান্সমিশন অ্যান্ড ডিস্ট্রিবিউসন কো. লি.-সহকারী ব্যবস্থাপক-08-10-2021
Answer: 16
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