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Question: Based on the information below, how much did a certain telephone call cost? 1. The call lasted 1 minute 27 seconds 2. The cost for the first 30 second unit is Tk. 1.80, call duration more than 30 seconds costs Tk. 0.90 per 30 second unit 3. Any call duration less than 30 seconds is rounded up to the nearest 30-second unit.
Question: Based on the information below, how much did a certain telephone call cost? 1. The call lasted 1 minute 27 seconds 2. The cost for the first 30 second unit is Tk. 1.80, call duration more than 30 seconds costs Tk. 0.90 per 30 second unit 3. Any call duration less than 30 seconds is rounded up to the nearest 30-second unit.
Question 1: Based on the information below, how much did a certain telephone call cost? 1. The call lasted 1 minute 27 seconds 2. The cost for the first 30 second unit is Tk. 1.80, call duration more than 30 seconds costs Tk. 0.90 per 30 second unit 3. Any call duration less than 30 seconds is rounded up to the nearest 30-second unit.
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Tk. 1.80
Tk. 2.61
Tk. 2.70
Tk. 3.51
Source: Standard Bank Ltd - Officer - 2006
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