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Question: A sum of money is divided among Nyla, Shaminn and Raqib in such way that Nyla gets half the amount, Sharmin gets 3/4 of Nyla’s share and Raqib ends up with 40. What is the total amount?
Question: A sum of money is divided among Nyla, Shaminn and Raqib in such way that Nyla gets half the amount, Sharmin gets 3/4 of Nyla’s share and Raqib ends up with 40. What is the total amount?
Question 1: A sum of money is divided among Nyla, Shaminn and Raqib in such way that Nyla gets half the amount, Sharmin gets 3/4 of Nyla's share and Raqib ends up with 40. What is the total amount?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Source: Social Islami Bank Ltd - Officer - 2004
Answer: 320
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