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Question: At a book fair, Danesh buys three pencils that cost TK.3.25 each and a color pen that costs TK. 5. Which expression represents the amount of change ‘C’ , he should get when paying with a TK.20 note ?
Question: At a book fair, Danesh buys three pencils that cost TK.3.25 each and a color pen that costs TK. 5. Which expression represents the amount of change ‘C’ , he should get when paying with a TK.20 note ?
Question 1: At a book fair, Danesh buys three pencils that cost TK.3.25 each and a color pen that costs TK. 5. Which expression represents the amount of change 'C' , he should get when paying with a TK.20 note ?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
TK. 300
TK. 336
TK. 280
TK. 330
Source: Exim Bank Ltd - Management Trainee Officer - 07.05.2010
Answer: TK. 336
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