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Question: In the coordinate plane, for which one of the following values of x would graph of the equation y=x3-x2-6x not touch the x-axis?
Question: In the coordinate plane, for which one of the following values of x would graph of the equation y=x3-x2-6x not touch the x-axis?
Question 1: In the coordinate plane, for which one of the following values of x would graph of the equation y=x3-x2-6x not touch the x-axis?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Source: Krishi Bank - Officer - 21.07.2017
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Sobuj bought three pieces of material. The first piece is 1 yard 2 feet 6 inches long, the second piece is 2 yards 1 feet 5 inches long, and the third piece is 4 yards 2 feet 7 inches long. If the cost of the material is Tk. 36 per yard, how much did Sobuj spent?
তিন অংকের বৃহত্তম সংখ্যা ও ক্ষুদ্রতম সংখ্যা দুটির পার্থক্য কত?
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If 3 apples cost 19 cents, how many apples can be purchased for $1.52?
Two groups of tourist each have 60 people. If three-fourth (i. e. 75%) of the first group & two-third of the 2nd group baord buses to travel to a museum, how many more people of the first group board buses compared to the second group?
How many degrees are included between the hands of a clock at 4:00?
যদি a +b =2, ab=1 হয় তবে a এবং b এর মান যথাক্রমে -
{(x + 3x)2 (x-3y)2}2 কে সরল করলে কয়টি পদ পাওয়া যাবে?
The number of bacteria in a colony was growing exponentially . At 1 pm yesterday the number of bacteria was 1000 and at 3 pm yesterday it was 4000. How many bacteria were there in the colony at 6 pm yesterday ?
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