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Question: If two projected roads were built , one from T directly to y, and one from l V directly to Z , then each of the following would be a complete list of the towns lying along one of the routes that a traveler going by road from U to X could select except.
Question: If two projected roads were built , one from T directly to y, and one from l V directly to Z , then each of the following would be a complete list of the towns lying along one of the routes that a traveler going by road from U to X could select except.
Question 1: If two projected roads were built , one from T directly to y, and one from l V directly to Z , then each of the following would be a complete list of the towns lying along one of the routes that a traveler going by road from U to X could select except.
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
T, Z
T, Y
T , Y , Z
V ,Z
Source: Exim Bank Ltd - Management Trainee Officer - 11.01.2013
Answer: T, Z
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