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Question: Nader drove form Mymensingh to Dhaka at 60 miles /hour. Returning over the same route, there was a lot of traffic , and he was only able to drive at 40 miles /hour . If the reurn trip took 1 hour longer, what is the distance between Dhaka and Mymensingh?
Question: Nader drove form Mymensingh to Dhaka at 60 miles /hour. Returning over the same route, there was a lot of traffic , and he was only able to drive at 40 miles /hour . If the reurn trip took 1 hour longer, what is the distance between Dhaka and Mymensingh?
Question 1: Nader drove form Mymensingh to Dhaka at 60 miles /hour. Returning over the same route, there was a lot of traffic , and he was only able to drive at 40 miles /hour . If the reurn trip took 1 hour longer, what is the distance between Dhaka and Mymensingh?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
2 miles
3 miles
120 miles
240 miles
Source: Exim Bank Ltd - Management Trainee Officer - 07.05.2010
Answer: 120 miles
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