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Question: As labor costs, an electrician charges Tk. 36.50 per hour for himself and Tk. 27.50 per hour for his assistant. What would be the total labor cost for a job taking 61 hours?
Question: As labor costs, an electrician charges Tk. 36.50 per hour for himself and Tk. 27.50 per hour for his assistant. What would be the total labor cost for a job taking 61 hours?
Question 1: As labor costs, an electrician charges Tk. 36.50 per hour for himself and Tk. 27.50 per hour for his assistant. What would be the total labor cost for a job taking 61 hours?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Tk. 416.00
Tk. 384.00
Tk. 264.75
None of these
Source: Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd - Management Trainee Officer - 23.01.2009
Answer: None of these
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