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Question: A cube of side 5cm is painted on all its side. If it is sliced into 1 cubic centimeter cubes, how many 1 cubic centimeter cubes will have exactly one of their sides painted?
Question: A cube of side 5cm is painted on all its side. If it is sliced into 1 cubic centimeter cubes, how many 1 cubic centimeter cubes will have exactly one of their sides painted?
Question 1: A cube of side 5cm is painted on all its side. If it is sliced into 1 cubic centimeter cubes, how many 1 cubic centimeter cubes will have exactly one of their sides painted?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
Source: Mutual Trust Bank ltd - Management Trainee Officer - 16.05.2014
Answer: 54
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