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Question: If 6 men and 8 boys can do a piece of work in 10 days and 26 men and 48 boys can do the same in 2 days , the time taken by 15 men and 20 boys to do the same type of work will be
Question: If 6 men and 8 boys can do a piece of work in 10 days and 26 men and 48 boys can do the same in 2 days , the time taken by 15 men and 20 boys to do the same type of work will be
Question 1: If 6 men and 8 boys can do a piece of work in 10 days and 26 men and 48 boys can do the same in 2 days , the time taken by 15 men and 20 boys to do the same type of work will be
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
4 days
5 days
6 days
7 days
Source: Sonali -; Janata Bank - Officer (IT)- 04.01.2019
Answer: 4 days
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