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Question: The members of a club participate in at least one game. Twenty of them play football, 10 play cricket, 12 play hokey. Three of them play cricket only, 4 of them play both the cricket and football but not hockey, 2 of them participate all games. How many people play both cricket and hockey but not football?
Question: The members of a club participate in at least one game. Twenty of them play football, 10 play cricket, 12 play hokey. Three of them play cricket only, 4 of them play both the cricket and football but not hockey, 2 of them participate all games. How many people play both cricket and hockey but not football?
Question 1: The members of a club participate in at least one game. Twenty of them play football, 10 play cricket, 12 play hokey. Three of them play cricket only, 4 of them play both the cricket and football but not hockey, 2 of them participate all games. How many people play both cricket and hockey but not football?
View topic: বিবিধ সমস্যা (Miscellaneous Problem)
None of these
Source: Bakhrabad Gas Co. Ltd - Asst. Manager (General) - 31.03.2017
Answer: 1
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