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Question: A train is travelling at 100 km per hour (Kmh) overtakes a motorbike travelling at a speed of 65 kmh in 40 seconds . What is the length of the train in meters?
Question: A train is travelling at 100 km per hour (Kmh) overtakes a motorbike travelling at a speed of 65 kmh in 40 seconds . What is the length of the train in meters?
Question 1: A train is travelling at 100 km per hour (Kmh) overtakes a motorbike travelling at a speed of 65 kmh in 40 seconds . What is the length of the train in meters?
View topic: ট্রেন ও গতিবেগ (Train & Speed)
Try your self
Source: Janata Bank Ltd - Executive Officer - 26.06.2015
Answer: Try your self
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