*** নিম্নোক্ত শব্দগুলোর Verb এবং Abstract noun একই form হয়ে থাকে।

Love, Desire, Hope, Fear. Step, Touch, Regret, Taste, Walk, Run, Cry, Sob, Stay, Stop, Order, Rise, Fall, Ride, Work, Laugh, Move.

A Proper Noun becomes Common Noun:

Rule-01: When a proper noun is being compared to another word , then the proper noun 

turns into a common noun.

Direct Indication or Specific Noun – ‘the’           ,   Indirect/General Indication or Non-specific Noun –  a/an


Bankim Chandra is the Scott of Bengal.

He thinks he isa Rabindranath. A Newton is not born every year

Rule-02: If a name refers to two or more things , then Proper Noun becomes plural.

I know the Rahmans of your village.

There are two Shimuls in my room.

Abstract noun becomes Common noun:

Rule-01: The + Abstract Noun = Common Noun

(Because ‘the’ specifies the qualities of that abstract noun to a particular person/people)


They praised the honesty of the boy.

The kindness of Mohsin has become a proverb.

Material noun turns into Common noun:

Rule -01: If the structure is ‘The’ + Material Noun + ‘of’ , then the material noun becomes common noun

Example:The water of the Ganges is sacred. 

Rule-02: If the material noun does not refer to any specific material but rather represents the product of any material, then the material noun becomes a common noun.

 *** Material noun টির পূর্বে article বসে অথবা plural হয়।


 He was put in irons (Irons mean chains made of iron). 

He bought an iron (Here iron is the appliance that irons clothes).

Drive the nail into the table. (pin made of iron)

Rule-02: If an abstract noun does not refer to a certain quality, it rather shows the quality of a person/people/place.Then the abstract noun becomes plural or the required article is placed before the abstract noun.


He is a justice of the peace.

There are four justices present. [Here,  justice/justices mean judge]

She is a beauty (a beautiful lady- সুন্দর নারী).

He is a danger (বিপজ্জনক ব্যক্তি) to the country.

Collective noun becomes Common noun:

Rule:  Any number or numerical word positioning before collective noun turns the noun into a common noun.

Example:Twelve teams will participate in the tournament.

Common noun becomes Proper noun:

Rule: If a common noun indicates a specific noun and the word starts with a capital letter. Then 

it becomes a proper noun.


Our Father (God) will save us .

The United States of America is a rich state.

Common noun becomes Abstract noun:

Rule: If a common noun indicates its innate qualities , then it becomes an abstract noun.


Check the beast in you. (তোমার পশুত্বকে দমন কর)

The mother in her arose at the sight of the poor boy. (গরীব ছেলেটিকে দেখে তার মধ্যে মাতৃত্ব জেগে উঠল)

The father in him could not bear the sight

The patriot in him could not bear the sight.

**(Finding out basic structure: The + noun+ in)

Abstract noun becomes Proper:

Rule: An abstract noun that personifies (referss to the qualities of a particular person) a person and also starts with a capital letter , becomes a proper noun.

He is not the favoured child of Fortune

He is a child of Fortune.

Let not Ambition mock their useful toil.

*** The same word but different noun according to the sense.


He feeds his poultry everyday. (collective noun)     He eats poultry every week. (material noun)

Fish live in water. (common noun)                              Fish is good for food. (material noun)

I like mangoes. (common noun)                                 Mango is my favourite fruit. (material noun)

N.B. Any kind of food is material noun

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