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Question: A time-study specialist has set the production rate for each worker on a certain job at 22units every 3hours. At this rate what is the minimum number of workers that should be put on the job if at least 90units are to be produced per hour?
Question: A time-study specialist has set the production rate for each worker on a certain job at 22units every 3hours. At this rate what is the minimum number of workers that should be put on the job if at least 90units are to be produced per hour?
Question 1: A time-study specialist has set the production rate for each worker on a certain job at 22units every 3hours. At this rate what is the minimum number of workers that should be put on the job if at least 90units are to be produced per hour?
View topic: সময় ও কাজ (Time and work)
Source: BASIC Bank Ltd - Assistant Manager - 06.01.2012
Answer: 13
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