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Question: If 4 (A’s capital) = 6 (B’s capital)=10(C’s capital), then out of a profit of TK. 4650, C will receive :
Question: If 4 (A’s capital) = 6 (B’s capital)=10(C’s capital), then out of a profit of TK. 4650, C will receive :
Question 1: If 4 (A's capital) = 6 (B's capital)=10(C's capital), then out of a profit of TK. 4650, C will receive :
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
TK. 900
TK. 1550
TK. 2250
TK. 465
Source: Bangladesh Bank - Officer(Cash) - 2016
Answer: TK. 900
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