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Question: A bonus of Tk. 25,000 will be distributed among three salespersons in proportion of the amounts by which their sales exceed the basic quota of Tk. 200,000. Mrs. Asha sold Tk. 600,000. Mr. Bashir sold Tk. 450,000, and Mr. Saif sold Tk. 300,000. How much did Mr. Saif receive from this bonus?
Question: A bonus of Tk. 25,000 will be distributed among three salespersons in proportion of the amounts by which their sales exceed the basic quota of Tk. 200,000. Mrs. Asha sold Tk. 600,000. Mr. Bashir sold Tk. 450,000, and Mr. Saif sold Tk. 300,000. How much did Mr. Saif receive from this bonus?
Question 1: A bonus of Tk. 25,000 will be distributed among three salespersons in proportion of the amounts by which their sales exceed the basic quota of Tk. 200,000. Mrs. Asha sold Tk. 600,000. Mr. Bashir sold Tk. 450,000, and Mr. Saif sold Tk. 300,000. How much did Mr. Saif receive from this bonus?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Tk. 3333.33
Tk. 6666.67
Tk. 5555.56
Tk. 5555.56
Source: Mercantile Bank Ltd - Officer - 24.04.2009
Answer: Tk. 3333.33
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