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Question: Humayun is asked to write a guide for GMAT exam preparation. For his work the publishing company giving him a choice of a one time payment of tk. 25,625 or tk.15.75 per guide sold.How many guide need to be sold for the totsl income received by Humayun to be the same from either choice?
Question: Humayun is asked to write a guide for GMAT exam preparation. For his work the publishing company giving him a choice of a one time payment of tk. 25,625 or tk.15.75 per guide sold.How many guide need to be sold for the totsl income received by Humayun to be the same from either choice?
Question 1: Humayun is asked to write a guide for GMAT exam preparation. For his work the publishing company giving him a choice of a one time payment of tk. 25,625 or tk.15.75 per guide sold.How many guide need to be sold for the totsl income received by Humayun to be the same from either choice?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Source: BASIC Bank Ltd - Assistant Manager - 06.01.2012
Answer: 1500
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10% মুনাফায় 3000 টাকা এবং 8% মুনাফায় 2000 টাকা বিনিয়োগ করলে মোট মূলধনের উপর গড়ে শতকরা কত হারে মুনাফা পাওয়া যাবে?
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