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Question: A man buys doughnuts at the rate of Tk. 7.20 per Dozen. If the profit is Tk.30, how many doughnuts did he buys?
Question: A man buys doughnuts at the rate of Tk. 7.20 per Dozen. If the profit is Tk.30, how many doughnuts did he buys?
Question 1: A man buys doughnuts at the rate of Tk. 7.20 per Dozen. If the profit is Tk.30, how many doughnuts did he buys?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Source: Krishi Bank - Officer (Cash) - 27.10.2017
Answer: 120
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A students first reduced a number by 20% and then increased it again by 20% . If the difference between the last number and the original number is 8, then the original number was :
কোন সংখ্যার ৫% হয় ২০?
Alim and Badrul enter in to a partnership and Alim invests Tk 10,000 in the partnership. At the end of 4 months he withdraws Tk 2000. At the end of another 5 month, he withdraws another Tk 3000. If Badrul receives Tk 9600 as his share of the total profit of Tk 19,100 for the year, how much did Badrul invest in the company?
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If it is 250 miles from Dhaka to Dinajpur and 120 miles from Dhaka to Pabna, what percentage of the distance from Dhaka to Dinajpur is the distance from Dhaka to Pabna?
একটি ,মোবাইল বিক্রেতা ক্রয়মূল্যর চেয়ে ২০% বেশি মূল্য নির্ধারণ করে এবং ১০% ছাড় দেয়। লাভের হার কত?
If the length and width of a rectangle garden plot were each increased by 20% , what would be the percent increase in the area of plot ?
If selling price is doubled, the profit triples, Find the profit percent,
কলার দাম 20% কমে যাওয়ায় 12 টাকায় পূর্ব অপেক্ষা 2টি কলা বেশি পাওয়া গেলে বর্তমান একটি কলার দাম কত টাকা?
A product is sold at a discount by 8%, By how much % (approximately) the original price was higher than the discounted price?
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