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Question: The radius of a circle is increased by 10%, Then the area is increased by what percent?
Question: The radius of a circle is increased by 10%, Then the area is increased by what percent?
Question 1: The radius of a circle is increased by 10%, Then the area is increased by what percent?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Source: Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation - Senior Officer - 2015
Answer: 0.21
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একজন ব্যবসায়ী ১৪% ক্ষতিতে একটি পণ্য বিক্রয় করে। যদি সে পণ্যটি ২২১ টাকা বেশি মূল্যে বিক্রয় করতে, তাহলে তার ১২% লাভ হত। পণ্যটির ক্রয়মূল্য কত টাকা?
কোন সংখ্যার ৩৭% হ্রাস পেলে ৩৮ হয়?
A company produces five types of shirts -- A,B,C,D and E-using cloth of three qualities -- high, medium and low , using dyes of three qualities-- high, medium and low. One shirt requires 1.5 m of cloth .The following table gives respectively : The number of shirts (of each category) produced, in thousands. The percentage distribution of cloth quality in each type of shirt, and The percentage distribution of dye quality in each type of shirt. What is the ratio of low quality dye used for C-type shirts to that used for D-type shirts ?
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