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Question: A bakery opened yesterday with its daily supply of 40 dozen rolls. Half of the rolls were sold by noon, and 80% of the remaining rolls were sold between noon and closing time. How many dozen rolls had been sold when the bakery closed yesterday?
Question: A bakery opened yesterday with its daily supply of 40 dozen rolls. Half of the rolls were sold by noon, and 80% of the remaining rolls were sold between noon and closing time. How many dozen rolls had been sold when the bakery closed yesterday?
Question 1: A bakery opened yesterday with its daily supply of 40 dozen rolls. Half of the rolls were sold by noon, and 80% of the remaining rolls were sold between noon and closing time. How many dozen rolls had been sold when the bakery closed yesterday?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
2 dozen
4 dozen
5 dozen
8 dozen
Source: Commerce Bank Ltd - Junior Officer - 19.09.2008
Answer: 4 dozen
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