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Question: You own a bond issued by the CP railroad that promises to pay holder Tk. 100 annually forever. You plan to sell the born three years from now. If similar investments yield 6 percent at that time, how much will the boan be worth?
Question: You own a bond issued by the CP railroad that promises to pay holder Tk. 100 annually forever. You plan to sell the born three years from now. If similar investments yield 6 percent at that time, how much will the boan be worth?
Question 1: You own a bond issued by the CP railroad that promises to pay holder Tk. 100 annually forever. You plan to sell the born three years from now. If similar investments yield 6 percent at that time, how much will the boan be worth?
View topic: শতকরা ও লাভ-ক্ষতি (Percentage and Profit and loss)
Tk. 918.79
Tk. 1,333.34
Tk. 1,666.67
Tk. 1,789.42
Source: Mutual Trust Bank ltd - Probationary Officer - 2016
Answer: Tk. 1,666.67
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